About Us!
Contact Information
Email : info@citrep.tech
Call/Text : (618) 491-2574
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CitrepLLC
CITREP L.L.C. is recognized as a registered business by the state of Illinois & the IRS.
We take your privacy very seriously. CITREP L.L.C. does not collect any data you do not readily provide to us. As a tech company we strive to keep your data as exactly that: yours. Our website is secured with a trusted ComodoCA Sectigo certificate in order to provide secure, encrypted transactions. During a service we collect and store billing information including your name, phone number, address, and services provided for detailed receipts and reporting. Any passwords collected will be removed and properly disposed of upon completion of services. We will never collect any password you provide. Lastly, CITREP L.L.C. will never sell any of your information.